
S.O.S. Líbano

Isto vai mesmo em inglês. Fight the power.

To The Concerned Citizen of The World:

"Killing innocent civilians is NOT an act of self-defense. Destroying a sovereign nation is NOT a measured response."Lebanese civilians have been under the constant attack of the state of Israel for several days. The State of Israel, in disregard to international law and the Geneva Convention, is launching a maritime and air siege targeting the entire population of the country. Innocent civilians are being collectively punished in Lebanon by the state of Israel in deliberate acts of terrorism as described in Article 33 of the Geneva Convention.The Lebanese people feel left out by the world that is turning a blind eye on the savagery of the Israeli state. Israel does not seem to be capable of approaching any problem outside the realm of the military power bestowed on it by the government of the United States of America and other western governments. We are writing you this letter in the hope that this massacre is immediately stopped. It is the universal duty of each individual to defend the innocents and expose the truth. The numerous civilian victims of the Israeli operations are increasing by the hour. The viciousness of the attacks has attained terrifying levels where a child has been cut in three while another was half burned.The Israeli war machine, in its blind savagery, is destroying not only our lives but the foundations that could help the civilians survive beyond their massacre. The Israeli Defense Forces are destroying in few hours what Lebanon has spent years and billions of dollars to rebuild.Up until now more than 300 Lebanese civilians have been killed and thousands missing under the rubbles , thousands wounded, bridges and infrastructure destroyed, refugees are leaving Beirut in droves and worst of all the enforced siege might lead to a human catastrophe in the next few days. There must be an end to this cycle of violence and continuous violation of international laws and basic ethical behavior.Between the blindness of the international community and the deafness of the Arab one, the besieged Lebanese population has no way out.Peace begins with justice

2 comentários:

Tsubasa Ozora disse...

pois, os unicos paises do planeta q pactuam nest momento com Israel sao os US e Inglaterra (se bem q Inglaterra é mais por arrasto q outra coisa). por estupido q pareça, qem ate agora fez a mlhor analise da situaçao foi o presidente do Irao. alias, nem é assim tao estupido qto isso pois o gajo é extremament inteligent se repararem bem nos discursos dele.. mas o Irao nao se met pq nao é nada com eles.. por enqto..

No plans disse...

É uma situação muito complicada, se bem que a culpa é de Israel, uma vez que o povo de Israel nunca teve uma terra, eles eram os seguidores de Israel. Depois é que a Palestina deu-lhes um pedaço de terra para eles ficarem. Como eles se desenvolveram muito rapido e prosperamente, começaram a conquistar a Palestina e por aí fora.
Fizeram até guerra com o Egipto. Agora é a vez do Líbano...

O problema é que quem sofre, nunca é quem dá as ordens, pois esses estão bem nos seus bunkers ou a ganhar dinheiro com a venda de armamento. O problema é das pessoas comuns, que de um dia para o outro vêem-se obrigadas a ter que evacuar e a verem as suas casas e bens a serem destruidos.
A guerra nunca leva a nada.